How to Perform Calculations in Microsoft Word

887004 How to Perform Calculations in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word offers several easy ways to perform basic calculations and insert mathematical equations in your documents. Whether you need to add up numbers in a table, calculate percentages or dates, or write complex formulas, Word has the tools to get the job done.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know to perform calculations in Word, including:

  • Adding equations and math symbols
  • Writing formulas with the Equation Editor
  • Summing and calculating data in tables
  • Manipulating dates and times
  • Tips for optimizing math functionality

Follow along as we explore the built-in math capabilities of Microsoft’s popular word processor.

Inserting Equations and Math Symbols

The fastest way to add a mathematical expression in Word is to use the built-in Equation Editor. To open it:

  1. Click the Insert tab
  2. Click Equation in the Symbols group

This will insert an equation field at your cursor location. You can then start typing your formula or insert common math symbols from the Equation Tools ribbon, such as square roots, fractions, integrals, and Greek letters.

For quick access to equations you use often, add them to the Equation Gallery. Simply right-click your equation and choose Save as New Equation. This adds it to the gallery for reuse later.

Writing Formulas with the Equation Editor

For more advanced equations, launch the full Equation Editor by clicking Insert New Equation on the Equation Tools ribbon. This opens a dedicated interface for building math expressions.

The Equation Editor works like a simple word processor for formulas. You can add special math characters and symbols, align columns with tabs, build arrays or matrices, and more. It even includes tools to add integrals, summations, radicals, and other advanced constructs.

When you finish writing your formula, click Insert to add it to your Word document formatted and editable.

Summing and Calculating Data in Tables

One place you often need to perform calculations in Word documents is in tables. Rather than manually typing the results of formulas, have Word do the math for you automatically.

To add a calculation to a table:

  1. Click in the cell where you want the result to display
  2. On the Table Tools Layout tab, click Formula
  3. Select the formula you want, like SUM or AVERAGE
  4. Pick the cells to include in the calculation

For example, use =SUM(ABOVE) to add up the column of numbers above the formula’s cell. The formula updates automatically if any data changes.

You can use multiple formulas in the same table, adding the functionality of an Excel spreadsheet right inside your Word document.

Manipulating Dates and Times

When including dates in a Word document, you may need to perform date calculations like adding days, months, or years to a given date.

Unfortunately, date math in Word is not straightforward. The best way to handle date calculations is to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros. With VBA, you can easily add and subtract intervals from dates inserted into your document.

Here is an example macro that prompts the user for a number of days to add to a date:

Sub DatePlusDays()
   dim days as integer
   days = InputBox("Enter number of days to add:")
   ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Date1").Range.InsertAfter Date + days
End Sub

This macro adds the user-entered number of days to the date stored in the bookmark “Date1”. Handling date math in VBA is much simpler than trying to do it in native Word fields.

Tips for Optimizing Math Features

  • Use LaTeX formatting for complex equations to ensure proper rendering of math symbols and layout
  • Break very large equations into smaller pieces using multi-line formatting
  • Test equations thoroughly before adding to documents to catch errors early
  • Add custom equations you use often to the Equation Gallery for easy reuse
  • Use Excel instead of Word tables if you need to perform extensive calculations
  • Handle date calculations in VBA macros instead of native Word fields


While Excel remains the best option for intensive number crunching, Word provides several handy tools for basic math and equations right inside your documents.

By mastering Word’s built-in Equation Editor, utilizing formulas in tables, and handling dates with VBA, you can perform calculations and add math expressions with ease. This helps avoid having to manually compute results or switch between applications.

The key is knowing when to use Word’s math features and when to rely on a dedicated spreadsheet program instead. But for most basic needs, Microsoft Word has you covered.

So next time you’re writing a report, academic paper, or other document with numeric data, don’t forget to tap into Word’s calculation powers to save time and effort. With a bit of practice, you’ll be doing math in Word like a pro!