How To Make Use Of Research Feature in Microsoft Word 2007

365121 How To Make Use Of Research Feature in Microsoft Word 2007

The Research feature in Microsoft Word 2007 is an incredibly useful tool for writing research papers, articles, essays, and other documents that require citations and sources. However, many Word 2007 users don’t take full advantage of the Research pane and all it has to offer. In this blog post, I’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of the Research feature to save time and effort when writing academic and professional documents.

Activate the Research Feature

The first step is to make sure the Research feature is activated in your version of Word 2007:

  1. Click the “Office Button” in the top left and select “Word Options”.
  2. Click “Popular” on the left.
  3. Under “Top options for working with Word”, make sure “Show Research and translation features” is checked.
  4. Click “OK”.

Now the Research feature will be enabled and ready to use.

Open the Research Pane

To access the research tools, you need to open the Research pane:

  1. Go to the “References” tab at the top.
  2. Click “Research” on the far left.

This will open up the Research pane on the right side of your Word window.

Use the Research Tools

Within the Research pane, you have access to several useful research tools:


Double click any word in your document to instantly view its dictionary definition in the Research pane. No more opening new browser tabs to look up words!


Right-click any word and select “Synonyms” to view its synonyms. You can even swap the word in your document by clicking a synonym directly in the pane.


To translate a phrase or sentence, right-click within the text and select “Translate”. Then choose the translation languages in the Research pane.

Citing Sources

The Research pane makes it easy to cite sources. Just click “Citations & Bibliography” in the References tab and add the details of your sources. Then insert in-text citations with just a click!

Enriching Content

Use “Smart Lookup” in the Research pane to enrich words and phrases with additional information from online sources. This provides useful context to enhance your writing.

Save Time with Researcher

For Microsoft 365 subscribers, the new Researcher feature takes the Research pane even further. Researcher lets you instantly search for and insert reliable sources from the internet right into your document to save tons of time.

To enable it:

  1. Click “Research” in the References tab.
  2. Click the “Researcher” button at the top of the pane.

Researcher will revolutionize your research and writing process!


The Microsoft Word 2007 Research pane puts a library of research tools at your fingertips. Activating Researcher provides even more robust features to enhance your documents with reliable sources and citations with just a few clicks, saving you significant time and effort. Use this step-by-step guide to start utilizing these powerful research capabilities in Word today!