How to Insert Images into Table in Microsoft Word

191650 How to Insert Images into Table in Microsoft Word

Adding images into tables in Word documents can help visually enhance your content and improve readability. However, inserting images properly into table cells can be tricky. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to insert images into tables in Word efficiently.

Why Insert Images into Tables?

Here are some key reasons why you may want to insert images into tables in Word:

  • Make data more visual and easier to digest
  • Enhance aesthetics and layout of tables
  • Save space by consolidating images and data
  • Allow images and data to move together when table position changes
  • Prevent formatting issues that can occur when images float over text

Step 1: Create Table Framework

Before inserting any images, first create the table structure you want with the number of rows and columns needed. This provides the framework to insert images into specific cells cleanly.

To insert a table:

  1. Click the Insert tab
  2. Click the Table icon
  3. Select the number of rows and columns needed
  4. Click to insert table

You can later add or delete rows/columns if needed after images are inserted.

Step 2: Add Images Inline

The key to properly inserting images into tables is adding them inline. This prevents unnecessary movement or overlapping issues with text and other images.

To add an image inline:

  1. Click inside the desired table cell
  2. Click the Insert tab
  3. Select Pictures
  4. Select image and click Insert
  5. Right click image and select Wrap Text > In Line with Text

This will anchor the image neatly within the table cell.

Step 3: Resize Images

In most cases, you’ll need to resize inserted images to fit cleanly inside table cells.

To resize:

  1. Click the image to select it
  2. Drag the sizing handles on the corners and sides to resize
  3. Optionally set an exact height/width under Size on the Format tab

Be careful not to distort images when resizing. Maintain aspect ratio for best quality.

Step 4: Format and Style Table

Once images are inserted, apply formatting and styling options to perfect the aesthetics of your table.

On the Design tab, options include:

  • Table styles
  • Table theme colors
  • Cell margins
  • Cell background shading
  • Text alignment

Don’t go overboard, as too much formatting can decrease readability. Stick to simple, clean designs.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you run into issues with images moving out of place, overlapping text, or other formatting problems:

  • Confirm the image is inline and anchored within the cell
  • Check cell margins and cell sizing relative to image size
  • Adjust text wrapping settings
  • Resize table columns/rows or image as needed

Careful cell sizing and inline anchoring usually resolves most formatting issues.


Adding images into Word tables is easy once you understand the steps:

  1. Build table framework
  2. Insert images inline
  3. Resize images to fit cells
  4. Apply formatting and styles

Using the right technique prevents frustration and creates professional, visually appealing tables.

So next time you need to consolidate images and data in Word, use this guide to insert and format images within tables properly. Let us know if you have any other questions!