Inserting Hyperlinks
You can insert different types of hyperlinks in Word documents:
Link to an External Webpage
To insert a hyperlink to an external webpage:
- Copy the URL of the webpage you want to link to
- In Word, select the text you want to be hyperlinked
- Right-click and select Link > Insert Link
- Paste the URL in the address field and click OK
For example, to insert a link to, copy the URL, select the text “Example website”, right-click, click Insert Link, paste the URL, and click OK.
Link to Another Place in the Same Document
To link to another place in the same document:
- Create a bookmark at the destination by selecting the text and clicking Insert > Bookmark
- Give the bookmark a unique name
- Select the text you want to be hyperlinked and right-click
- Select Link > Place in This Document
- Choose the bookmark you created
Link to a New Document
To link to a new document that will be created:
- Select the text to be hyperlinked and right-click
- Select Link > Place in This Document
- Click Create New Document
- Give the new document a name
- Choose whether to edit the document now or later
Link to an Email Address
To insert a link to an email address:
- Select the text and right-click
- Select Link > Insert Link
- Type
followed by the email address in the address field
Editing Hyperlinks
To edit an existing hyperlink:
- Right-click on it and select Edit Hyperlink
- Make changes to the address, text to display, screen tip etc. and click OK
Removing Hyperlinks
To remove a hyperlink:
- Right-click on it and select Remove Hyperlink
The text will remain but lose the hyperlink formatting.
To remove all hyperlinks at once:
- Word: Select all text (Ctrl+A) and press Ctrl+Shift+F9
- Excel: Select cells with links > Right click > Remove Hyperlinks
Changing Hyperlink Appearance
To change the color or underline formatting of hyperlinks:
- Select the hyperlink text
- Open the Font dialog box
- Make changes to font style, size or color
- Click OK
To update hyperlink appearance globally:
- Press Ctrl+Shift+S to open the Apply Styles pane
- Find and right-click the Hyperlink style
- Modify the formatting options
- Click Modify to save changes
All hyperlinks will now reflect the new formatting.
Best Practices
Follow these best practices when working with hyperlinks in Word:
- Use meaningful text for hyperlinks instead of long URLs
- Test links after inserting to ensure they work correctly
- Break long URLs with hyphens using Ctrl+hyphen to improve readability
- Set screen tips to provide additional context on the link destination
- Use absolute paths for linking to internal files to prevent broken links
- Disable automatic hyperlink creation if it causes issues
- Remove hyperlinks not needed instead of just disabling them
- Change the hyperlink style to fit better with document formatting
Using hyperlinks in Word documents enables connecting related content for quick access. You can link to external sites, internal document locations, files, email addresses, and more.
It’s important to manage hyperlinks by editing, updating, and removing invalid ones over time. This keeps the document usable, maintains integrity of the content, and improves the overall user experience for readers.
Following Word hyperlink best practices allows creating useful links while avoiding pitfalls like broken URLs. With the techniques covered here, you’ll have the knowledge to effectively insert hyperlinks in Word documents and handle them throughout the content lifecycle.