Embedding a contact card directly into a Google Docs document is an easy way to provide readers quick access to someone’s contact details and enable collaboration actions like scheduling meetings without leaving the document.
The contact card feature in Google Docs allows you to:
- Embed a person’s contact details like email, phone, job title, etc. directly in a document just by typing their name.
- View the contact information by hovering over the name.
- Take actions like emailing, scheduling meetings or calls without leaving the Doc.
So if you frequently share documents referencing people, embedding contact cards can make it more convenient for readers to connect with them if needed.
When to Use Contact Cards
Here are some examples of when a contact card can be useful in documents:
- Meeting notes – Reference speakers, attendees with their contact cards for followups.
- Proposals – Include contact cards for key staff referenced in the proposal.
- Manuals/guides – List subject matter experts with their cards for easy access.
- Newsletters – Embed contributor contact details for reader inquiries.
How to Embed a Contact Card
Embedding a contact card in Google Docs takes just a few simple steps:
- Type the @ symbol – This triggers the contacts dropdown menu.
- Start typing a name – Select the right person from suggestions.
- The name needs to match an existing contact.
- Share contact card (optional) – Choose whether to allow access to the contact’s details.
- Hover to view card – Float over the highlighted name to view contact details.
For example, to add John Smith from your contacts:
- Type
to see the contacts dropdown. - Start entering John Smith and select the right match.
- His name will now show as highlighted text.
- Hover over John Smith to view his contact card.
Note: You can disable contact cards in the Google Docs settings if needed.
Contact Card Features
The contact cards in Docs provide quick access to useful details and actions:
- Contact details – See info like email, phone numbers, job title, etc.
- Add to contacts – One-click option to add them to your Google contacts if needed.
- Share access – Choose whether they can see you viewed their contact card.
- Collaboration options – Email, schedule meetings or calls, start chats, or make video calls.
So without leaving the document, you can connect with people directly from their embedded contact cards.
Editable Cards
If the contact is already in your Google Contacts, you can also edit their card details through the Docs document.
For example, you can update their:
- Job title
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Addresses
And the changes sync to their contact profile, facilitating maintenance.
Use Cases and Examples
Embedding contact cards enables some helpful document use cases:
Meeting Notes
For meeting notes, include speaker and attendee cards to enable scheduling follow-up meetings:
- @john-smith (CEO, Acme Inc.)
- @sarah-lee (CFO, Acme Inc.)
- @david-kim (Director of Operations)
- @jane-huang (Business Analyst)
In proposals, reference key staff members with their cards for easy access:
Points of Contact:
- @john-adams (Project Lead)
- @maria-garcia (Lead Architect)
In manuals and guides, list subject matter experts (SMEs) with their contact cards:
- @bob-carter (Documentation)
- @alice-peters (Compliance)
In newsletters, embed contributor details to field reader inquiries:
- @john-chang (writer)
- @sarah-davis (editor)
So wherever contact information is relevant in documents, embed cards for easy access.
Tips for Using Contact Cards
Here are some tips when working with contact cards:
- Match names to contacts – The names need to exist in your Google contacts. Nicknames usually won’t work.
- Check permissions – Make sure you have permission to share others’ contact details when relevant.
- Customize card details – You can add or update info like job titles and phone numbers in the contact card.
- Use sparingly – Don’t overuse contact cards as it can clutter the reading flow. Use judiciously when helpful.
- Check appearance – Review how the card renders in view/edit modes. The styling may differ slightly.
- Review accessibility – Check that screen readers can properly read the embedded contact text for accessibility.
Comparison to Other Tools
Contact cards have some similarities and differences to other tools:
- Email links – Contact cards provide more context and actions vs. just listing email links.
- Share contacts – Cards enable sharing contacts without attachments.
- Mentions – The @ naming mirrors mentions in chat apps to tag people.
So contact cards can be a cleaner alternative to attaching vCards or other contact files.
The contact cards feature is available:
- In the Docs web app – Just enable in settings.
- On Android devices – Works the same as the web.
- Not in iOS app currently – But expected to be added later.
- In Docs, Slides, Sheets – Available across the suite.
So you can embed contact cards across devices and Google Workspace apps.
Here are some key points about contact cards in Google Docs:
- Embed contacts by typing @ plus their name.
- Provides quick access to contact details and actions.
- Enables scheduling meetings and outreach without leaving Docs.
- Can edit contact card details through the document.
- Helps make documents more interactive and engaging.
- Seamlessly integrates contacts into your work.
So if you regularly reference people in documents, leverage contact cards to streamline collaboration and access.
Overall, contact cards make it easier for readers to learn about and connect with relevant people directly from within documents. The feature mirrors familiar social media mentions to create a more interactive experience in Google Docs.