How to Double-Space on Google Docs

733232 How to Double-Space on Google Docs

Creating a well-formatted document is essential for readability and professionalism. One common formatting technique is double-spacing, which can make a document easier to read and edit. Google Docs, a popular word-processing tool, allows users to adjust spacing with ease. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to double-space your text in Google Docs.

Open Google Docs and Select Text

Before you can adjust the spacing, you need to either open an existing document or create a new one:

  • Navigate to Google Docs and sign in with your Google account.
  • To open an existing document, click on it from the list of documents. To create a new one, click the + button or select Blank document.
  • Once your document is open, highlight the text you want to double-space. Click and drag your cursor over the text, or press Ctrl + A (or Cmd + A on Mac) to select all text.

Apply Double Line Spacing

With your text selected, it’s time to apply double-spacing:

  • Click on the Format button in the top menu.
  • Hover over Line spacing in the dropdown menu.
  • Select Double from the list of options.

Alternatively, you can use the following steps:

  • Click on the Format button in the top menu.
  • Select Paragraph styles and then Line spacing.
  • Adjust the line spacing to 2 by clicking on it.

Set Double Spacing as Default

If you want all future documents to have double-spacing by default:

  • With no text selected, click on the Format button.
  • Follow the same steps as above to set the line spacing to 2.
  • This will apply double-spacing to all new text entered in the document.

Enable Spacing Between Paragraphs

To improve readability further, you can add space between paragraphs:

  • Click on the Format button.
  • Choose Line spacing and then Add space after paragraph or Custom spacing.
  • Adjust the settings to your preference.


Double-spacing in Google Docs is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance the readability of your document. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your documents are well-formatted and professional. Remember to use visuals in your article to guide readers through each step.