How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

formatted text How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

Microsoft Word lets you choose various text formats to make it look more attractive or stand out from the rest. Alternatively, you can also customize your own text style from its font type, size, color, and other attributes. But should we redo the process in reverse if we want to go back to the default style?

Not necessarily. Microsoft Word ensures you don’t have to repeat the process if later you changed your mind about the design. In the following guide, I’m going to cover three methods to clear text formatting in a Word document.

Be sure to follow each method because it gets easier down the line. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

Method 1

1. Open a Word document. In this example, I want to make the second paragraph look like the rest.

word 1 How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

2. Select the text.

select formatted How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

3. Navigate to the Home menu.

home How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

4. Open the Style dropdown menu.

drop down arrow How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

5. Then, select Clear Formatting.

clear formatting How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

6. The formatted text has been cleared.

formatting cleared How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

Method 2

alternative clear formatting How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

After selecting the text, you can briefly see a row of menus. On that menu, click Styles and select Clear Formatting. This method may be a bit tricky for some as the menu only appear once and won’t again if you ignore it.

Method 3

clear all formatting How to Clear Text Formatting in Word Document

If you are not very good at catching the menu from the previous method, then this is the better alternative. After selecting the text, go to Home > Clear All Formatting (symboled with the letter “A” with an eraser icon).