How to Add Footnotes or Endnotes in Google Docs

368203 How to Add Footnotes or Endnotes in Google Docs

Google Docs is a popular word processing software that makes it easy to create professional documents. An important part of academic and technical writing is citing sources properly with footnotes or endnotes. Fortunately, Google Docs has built-in tools to add these citations without much formatting effort. This guide will show you how to easily add footnotes and endnotes in Google Docs.

Why Use Footnotes and Endnotes

Before jumping into the how-to, let’s first understand why footnotes and endnotes matter in documents. Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page where the reference occurs. Endnotes are similar except they all appear together at the end of the document.

Footnotes and endnotes serve an important academic purpose – they allow you to cite sources for facts, quotes, and other references used in a document. This gives credit to the original author and allows readers to verify the information themselves. Proper source citation adds credibility and trustworthiness to your work.

Though writing footnotes and endnotes takes effort, it’s an indispensable part of research writing. Once you know how to add them in Google Docs, the process becomes much easier.

Adding Footnotes in Google Docs

Google Docs has a dedicated tool to insert footnotes without having to deal with formatting. Here are the steps:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the footnote reference to go – usually at the end of a sentence where a source has been referenced.
  2. Navigate to Insert > Footnote on the Google Docs menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F on Windows or ⌘+⌥+F on Mac.
  3. A footnote will be inserted in superscript numbers at the cursor location.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see a corresponding footnote section.
  5. Write the actual footnote citation here according to the required citation style guide. For example: Johnson, Mary. Ancient Civilizations. Facts Publishing Co, 2021.
  6. Repeat this process to insert additional footnotes as needed throughout the document. The footnote numbers will adjust automatically.

And that’s it! Google Docs handles all the numbering and placement of footnotes for you.

Adding Endnotes in Google Docs

Endnotes work just like footnotes except they appear altogether at the end of the document. Here are the steps to add endnotes in Google Docs:

  1. Highlight the text where an endnote citation is needed.
  2. Navigate to Insert > Endnote or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+E (Windows) or ⌘+⌥+E (Mac).
  3. Type the actual endnote citation in the box that appears. For example: Johnson, Mary. Ancient Civilizations. Facts Publishing Co, 2021.
  4. At the end of the document, you will see an “Endnotes” section with the entered citation.
  5. Repeat to add more endnotes as required. The numbering adjusts automatically.

That’s all there is to it! Google Docs formats the endnotes including placement and numbering.

Formatting Footnotes and Endnotes

The great thing about Google Docs is everything related to footnotes and endnotes is handled automatically. But you still have some formatting options:

  • Change footnote location: By default, footnotes appear at the bottom of each page. You can make them appear altogether at the end of the document right before the endnotes.
  • Modify numbering format: Change the numbering format of footnotes/endnotes to use letters, Roman numerals, symbols or your own custom sequence instead of numbers.
  • Adjust footnote font: Alter text formatting like font family, size and color for footnotes independently from the body text.

To access these options navigate to Insert > Footnote & Endnote from the toolbar. Make changes in the sidebar that appears.

Tips for Usage

Here are some top tips to effectively use footnotes and endnotes in your Google Doc:

  • Insert footnotes on the same page as the reference to keep related information together. Use endnotes for references that span across pages.
  • Keep footnote and endnote text concise – only include the essential citation information. Avoid lengthy notes that affect readability.
  • Use consistent citation formatting in footnotes/endnotes based on your chosen style guide or academic requirements.
  • Place footnote/endnote at the end of a sentence generally after the period or quotation mark.
  • Proofread carefully to ensure footnote numbering and references match correctly.

Following these best practices will make your footnotes and endnotes look clean and professional.


There you have it – a straightforward guide to effectively add footnotes and endnotes in Google Docs. Correctly citing sources is crucial for academic integrity and credibility.

The best part is Google Docs does all the heavy lifting of placement, numbering and formatting. You just insert the citations as needed and provide the actual reference text.

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