How to Add a Page on Google Docs on Desktop or Mobile

184401 How to Add a Page on Google Docs on Desktop or Mobile

Adding pages on Google Docs is easy whether you are using the desktop website or mobile app. Here is a step-by-step guide to inserting new pages on Google Docs across platforms.

Adding a Page on Google Docs Desktop

Follow these simple steps to add a new page on the Google Docs website:

1. Place Cursor Where You Want the New Page

Open the Google Docs document and place your blinking cursor where you want the next page to start. This would usually be at the end of a section or paragraph.

2. Click Insert > Break > Page Break

In the top toolbar, click Insert > Break > Page Break. This inserts a page break in your document. Text written after this point will flow onto the new page.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Enter on Windows/Chromebooks
  • Command + Enter on Mac

3. View New Page in Print Layout

To clearly see the new page, toggle the View > Show Print Layout option. This shows page break lines between pages.

And that’s it! The steps are the same whether you’re using Google Docs in a web browser or the desktop app.

Adding a Page on Google Docs Mobile

Adding a new page is just as easy on the Google Docs mobile app. Follow these steps:

1. Place Cursor Where You Want New Page

Open the document in the Google Docs app and tap where you want the next page to begin. This is usually after a paragraph or section.

2. Tap the Plus (+) Icon

Tap the + icon at the top right. This opens the Insert menu.

3. Select Page Break

In the Insert menu, scroll down and select Page break.

A new page is added after the point where you placed your cursor.

Formatting Multi-Page Documents

Now that you’ve added multiple pages, you may want to add some formatting to make navigation easier:

Add Page Numbers

Click Insert > Page number to add auto page numbers to each page.

Create Headers and Footers

Add repeating text like document titles in the header or footer space on each page.

Add Table of Contents

Insert a clickable table of contents that links to different sections of your document.

Organizing Long Documents

When working with lengthy documents, it’s important to keep things organized so information is easy to find. Here are some tips:

Use Headings

Break up sections with heading styles like Heading 1, Heading 2. These can be included in the table of contents.

Add Page Breaks Before Major Sections

Insert page breaks before major sections so that each starts on a fresh new page.

Use Bookmarks

Bookmark important paragraphs and sections so you can easily jump between them.

Enable Version History

Turn on version history to see a timeline of changes made to your document. You can revert back to old versions.

Sharing Multi-Page Docs for Collaboration

An advantage of using Google Docs is being able to collaborate with others on documents. Here are some tips for sharing:

Check Permissions

Before sharing, check the sharing permissions to control who can access and edit.

Share Link to Entire Doc

Share a link to the full document instead of individual pages so collaborators have the complete context.

Use Comments

Collaborators can leave comments on specific paragraphs or sections to minimize confusion.

Track Changes

The document owner can track changes made by collaborators so it’s clear who changed what.

So that’s a simple walkthrough of adding and working with multi-page documents on Google Docs! Let me know if you have any other questions.