How to Add a Border in Google Docs in 2 Different Ways

424901 How to Add a Border in Google Docs in 2 Different Ways

Adding a border in Google Docs can help make your documents look more polished and professional. While there is no built-in border option, you can easily add borders using two different methods:

Method 1: Use a Table

The easiest way to add a border in Google Docs is by inserting a single-cell table that surrounds your document:

  1. Click Insert > Table and select the 1×1 table option to insert a single-cell table
  2. Resize the table by clicking and dragging the bottom-right corner so that the table fills the entire page
  3. Reduce the page margins under File > Page setup so that the border is closer to the edge of the page


  • Simple and straightforward method
  • Allows you to customize border width, style, and color
  • Border will print properly when you print the document


  • Table borders may not touch the edge of the page perfectly
  • Text inside the table cell cannot spill over onto a second page

Method 2: Insert a Border Image

You can also add a border in Google Docs by inserting an image with a border and adding your text inside:

  1. Click Insert > Image and select a border image to insert
  2. With the image selected, open the Image options sidebar
  3. Under Image options, check the Behind text box
  4. Click inside the image and start typing your text


  • Creates a seamless border that perfectly fits the page
  • Lots of border designs and styles to choose from


  • Text cannot flow between pages
  • Formatting options are limited inside the text box

Customizing Borders in Google Docs

Once you’ve added a border using either method, you can customize the look by changing the border width, style, and color:

Adjust Border Width

  • Click the border to select it
  • In the toolbar, click the Border width icon Border width icon
  • Choose a width in pixels (higher numbers create a thicker border)

Change Border Style

  • Click the border to select it
  • Click the Border dash style icon Border dash style icon
  • Choose a style (solid, dotted, dashed, etc)

Pick a Border Color

  • Click the border to select it
  • Click the Border color icon Border color icon
  • Select a color from the palette

Adding Borders to Paragraphs or Images

In addition to adding borders around the entire page, you can also add borders to paragraphs, images, and other elements:

Paragraph Borders

  1. Highlight the paragraph you want to border
  2. Click Format > Paragraph styles > Borders and shading
  3. Customize border width, style, and color

Image Borders

  1. Click the image to select it
  2. Use the steps above to adjust border width, style, and color

Borders are a great way to make key paragraphs and images stand out while also adding visual interest to your documents. With a simple workaround, Google Docs makes it easy to add borders and customize them to suit your needs.