How to Accept Changes in Google Docs

814930 How to Accept Changes in Google Docs

Collaborating on documents is easier than ever with Google Docs. The real-time editing capabilities allow multiple people to work on the same document simultaneously. This improves efficiency and allows you to incorporate feedback seamlessly.

However, when you have multiple collaborators suggesting edits, the changes can pile up quickly. Sifting through numerous suggestions and accepting them one by one can be extremely tedious. Fortunately, Google Docs offers a handy trick to accept all changes at once with just one click.

Enabling Suggestion Mode in Google Docs

Before changes can be accepted, suggestion mode needs to be enabled. This allows collaborators to suggest edits rather than directly editing the document.

To enable suggestion mode:

  1. Open the Google Docs document.
  2. Click on the Editing drop-down menu at the top right.
  3. Select Suggesting instead of Editing.

Now any changes will be suggested instead of instantly applied. The suggestions will be clearly highlighted in green text.

Reviewing and Accepting Changes

With suggestion mode enabled, you can easily review changes as collaborators work. The suggestions will be shown in the right margin, along with details on who suggested the change and when.

To accept changes:

  1. Click on the green suggested text in the document.
  2. Select the check mark icon next to the suggestion.

The change will instantly be accepted and incorporated permanently into the document.

Alternatively, you can click the X icon to reject the suggestion and discard it.

Accepting All Changes at Once

Accepting changes one by one can still be extremely tedious if there are lots of suggestions. Fortunately, you can accept all changes at once with a handy Google Docs script.

Here’s how to accept all suggestions at the same time:

  1. Open the Google Docs document with suggested edits.
  2. Click Tools > Review suggested edits.
  3. In the pop-up box, click Accept all.

And all eligible suggestions will instantly be accepted! This handy script works like magic to incorporate changes in one click.

Adding the Script to Accept All

The script to accept all changes needs to be added to Google Docs before it can be used. Here are step-by-step instructions to add the script:

  1. Open the Google Docs document.
  2. Select Tools > Script editor to open the script editor.
  3. Delete any existing project scripts.
  4. Paste the following script into the code editor:
function acceptAllSuggestions() {
  var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
  var suggestions = doc.getSuggestions();
  for (var i = 0; i < suggestions.length; i++) {
    var suggestion = suggestions[i]; 
  1. Click Save and provide a project name to save the script.

Now the Accept all option will appear when you select Tools > Review suggested edits!


Accepting changes in Google Docs is now lightning fast thanks to the ability to approve all suggestions at once. Enable suggestion mode to clearly see edits, then run the script to seamlessly incorporate feedback.

Focus on creating engaging content rather than manually accepting changes. Streamline your team’s collaboration efforts with this handy Google Docs trick!

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