3 Easy Ways to Alphabetize in Google Docs

356620 3 Easy Ways to Alphabetize in Google Docs

Organizing information in alphabetical order in your Google Docs can make your documents more readable and easier to navigate. However, Google Docs doesn’t have a built-in feature to alphabetize content. In this article, I’ll show you 3 easy methods you can use to alphabetize paragraphs, lists, and tables in Google Docs.

Method 1: Use the Sorted Paragraphs Add-on

The easiest way to alphabetize content in Google Docs is by using the Sorted Paragraphs add-on. Here’s how:

Step 1: Install the Add-on

  1. Open your Google Docs document.
  2. Click Add-ons > Get add-ons in the toolbar.
  3. Search for “Sorted Paragraphs” and click on it.
  4. Click Install to add it to your Google account.

Step 2: Select the Content

  1. Highlight the paragraphs, list items, or table cells you want to alphabetize.
  2. Make sure each item starts on a new line.

Step 3: Sort the Content

  1. Click Add-ons > Sorted Paragraphs > Sort A-Z to alphabetize.
  2. Click Sort Z-A to reverse alphabetize.

That’s it! The Sorted Paragraphs add-on will rearrange your selected content alphabetically in seconds.

Method 2: Use Microsoft Word

If you have Microsoft Word, you can leverage its native sorting feature before copying your content over to Google Docs:

Step 1: Enter Content in Word

Type out your list of paragraphs, bullet points, names, etc. in a Word doc. Make sure each item starts on a new line.

Step 2: Select and Sort

  1. Select the content you want to alphabetize.
  2. Go to the Data tab and click Sort to open the Sort dialog box.
  3. Sort by paragraph, ascending.

Step 3: Copy to Google Docs

  1. Copy the now alphabetized content.
  2. Paste it into your Google Doc.
  3. The alphabetical order will remain intact.

While this method takes a few extra steps, it works well if you already have your content in Word.

Method 3: Use an Online Tool

You can also alphabetize content using an online tool before pasting into Google Docs:

Step 1: Enter Content

Type or paste your list into a free online alphabetizing tool like WordCounter.

Step 2: Alphabetize

Click the alphabetize button to rearrange your list alphabetically.

Step 3: Copy to Google Docs

Copy your organized list and paste it into your Google Doc. The alphabetical order will carry over seamlessly.

This method allows you to alphabetize content without installing any add-ons.


Alphabetizing content in Google Docs is simple when you use the right method. The Sorted Paragraphs add-on lets you sort content with a click, while leveraging Word or an online tool works great too. Use one of these 3 easy methods to organize your docs!

Implementing these alphabetical ordering tips will make your Google Documents more organized, readable, and easier to work with. Give them a try today.