How to Make a Matrix in Google Docs

955182 How to Make a Matrix in Google Docs
  1. Using a table
  • Insert a table of the desired size (Insert > Table)
  • Enter the matrix values into the table cells
  • Adjust cell borders and shading as desired
  1. Using equations (works best for small matrices like 2×2)
  • Insert an equation (Insert > Equation)
  • Add square brackets from the symbols menu to create the matrix enclosure
  • Enter the matrix values separated by commas
  1. Using add-ons like Hypatia Create
  • Install the add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace
  • Open the add-on (Extensions > Hypatia Create > Insert/Edit Math)
  • Type “bmatrix” and press Enter to create a matrix enclosure
  • Add the matrix values

Some tips when making matrices:

  • Use tables for larger matrices, equations for small matrices
  • Name ranges to reference matrices easily in formulas
  • Check matrix dimensions match if multiplying matrices
  • Split very large matrices to avoid performance issues

Let me know if you have any other questions!