How to Insert Signature in Google Docs

455951 How to Insert Signature in Google Docs

Google Docs is a popular word processing software that allows real-time collaboration between multiple users. An important feature it offers is the ability to insert signatures, which is useful for signing documents like contracts, agreements, invoices, etc.

There are a few different methods to add or insert a signature in Google Docs:

Insert Signature Image

This method allows you to insert a scanned image or photo of your handwritten signature:

  • Open the Google Doc where you want to insert the signature
  • Place cursor at the desired location
  • Go to Insert > Image
  • Upload the image file containing your signature
  • Resize and position the signature image as needed


  • Simple and quick
  • Familiar handwritten signature


  • Not as secure
  • Image can be copied/reused easily

Draw Signature

You can also draw your signature directly within Google Docs:

  • Open the document
  • Place cursor where needed
  • Select Insert > Drawing > New
  • Choose the Scribble line type
  • Draw your signature using mouse/touchpad
  • Adjust thickness, color etc.
  • Click Save and Close
  • Position the signature drawing


  • No need for external image
  • Can redraw easily if needed


  • Not a realistic handwritten signature
  • Less legally binding

Insert Digital Signature

For enhanced security and legal validity, use Google Docs add-ons to insert digital signatures:

  • Install signature add-on (e.g. DocuSign)
  • Log into account
  • Click icon to launch add-on
  • Choose signer and signature type/field
  • Request signature from chosen signer
  • Signature automatically embedded when completed


  • Tamper-proof
  • Legally-binding
  • Records signing activity


  • Needs third-party integration
  • Signer needs access

Manage and Edit Signatures

You can also edit or update inserted signatures:

  • Double click the signature image/drawing
  • For drawings – Modify using drawing tools
  • For images – Replace with new image
  • For digital signatures – Request signer to re-sign
  • Move or resize as required

So whether you want to quickly insert an image signature or enable legally valid digital signing, Google Docs provides flexible options to add and manage signatures on documents. Choose the method that best meets your needs.