How to Fix Google Docs Blank Page Won’t Delete

714142 How to Fix Google Docs Blank Page Won’t Delete

Having a blank page that won’t delete in Google Docs can be frustrating. Here are some troubleshooting tips to try to fix this issue.

Check That It’s Actually a Blank Page

Before trying to delete a page, double check that it is actually blank. Sometimes a page can look blank if:

  • The text and background colors are set to white
  • The font size is set very small
  • The view zoom level is reduced

To check, try changing the text or background colors of the page to see if anything is actually there. Also zoom in on the page and scroll around to see if any hidden text appears.

Delete Text Boxes or Images

If the page contains empty text boxes or invisible images, these can cause blank areas.

  • Click anywhere in the blank area and press Delete to remove any hidden objects.
  • You can also right click and select Delete text box if an empty box is present.

Adjust the Page Break

Sometimes a blank page is caused by an accidental page break rather than an extra page.

  • Position your cursor before the blank page and check for a blue page break line.
  • If present, delete this break by pressing Backspace.
  • You can also adjust page break positions in the ruler by dragging break icons.

Delete the Page in Outline View

Outline view lets you see the document structure and easily delete full pages:

  • Click the View Outline icon in the top right.
  • Find the blank page in the outline panel on the left.
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the page and select Delete page.

Copy Document Contents to a New File

If you still can’t remove the blank page, copy over the contents to a new Google Doc:

  • Create a new blank Google Doc.
  • In the original file with the blank page, select and copy all of the text except the blank page.
  • Paste this into the new doc.
  • Double check everything copied correctly, then delete the original file with the problem blank page.

Troubleshoot Causes of Blank Pages

To avoid blank pages in the future, be aware what causes them:

  • Accidental page breaks – Extra paragraph spacing or returns can trigger unnecessary page breaks.
  • Text boxes – Empty text boxes still take up space. Make sure to delete unused boxes.
  • Objects – Invisible images, lines and other objects can blank out areas.
  • Zoom issues – Text sized extremely small or large zoom levels can make pages appear blank.

Prevent Blank Pages When Collaborating

When multiple people edit a document, formatting mishaps can occur that lead to blank pages. To reduce chances of this:

  • Communicate about edits – Leave comments explaining changes or additions you make.
  • Limit formatting changes – Only change what is necessary and stick to an agreed style guide.
  • Review history – Scan the version history for major formatting changes that may have caused issues.
  • Lock down key sections – Prevent inadvertent changes to critical parts like the first page.

Recover Previous Versions

If fixing the blank page fails, roll back the Google Doc to an earlier version without it:

  • Click File > Version history > See version history.
  • Preview older versions and find the most recent without the problem.
  • Click Restore this version to undo changes back to that point.

With some targeted troubleshooting, that stubborn blank page can usually be banished. Paying attention to what might cause unwanted formatting changes can also reduce future chances of blank pages popping up.

Summary of Fixes

  • Confirm it’s a genuine blank page, not just hidden text
  • Remove text boxes or objects causing blank spaces
  • Adjust or delete errant page breaks
  • Delete the page completely in outline view
  • Copy content except the problem page to a new doc
  • Review typical blank page causes to avoid in future
  • Limit formatting changes when collaborating
  • Restore an earlier version if needed