How to Create a Custom Template in Microsoft Word

304531 How to Create a Custom Template in Microsoft Word

Creating custom templates in Microsoft Word can save you a lot of time and effort when working on documents with a consistent structure and formatting. Whether you need templates for reports, proposals, letters, or any other type of document you create regularly, building your own template allows you to standardize and streamline your workflow.

In this article, I will walk you through the step-by-step process for creating a custom template in Word.

Steps to Create a Custom Template

Design Your Template

The first step is to open a new blank Word document and design the structure and layout you want for your template.

Here are some things you may want to add:

  • Company logo and branding elements
  • Default font styles and sizes
  • Common text elements like headers, footers, page numbers
  • Content placeholders
  • Formatting elements like tables, text boxes, images
  • Custom styles

Take some time to set up the template properly so you can reuse it easily later.

Add Sample Content

Next, add some sample text and content that resembles what the finished documents will contain.

For example, if it’s a template for a technical report, you may want to add:

  • Headings and subheadings
  • An executive summary section
  • A table of contents
  • Placeholder images and charts
  • Basic body text

This sample content will help guide anyone using the template.

Save the Template

Once you have designed the basic structure and added sample content, you’re ready to save it as a Word template.

Go to File > Save As and choose “Word Template” as the file type. Give your template a descriptive name and save it.

By default, Word will save the template in the Custom Office Templates folder. This makes it easy to access later when creating new documents.

Using the Template

To create a new document using your custom template, simply go to File > New and look under the “Personal” section.

You should see your template there! Double click it to open a new document prepopulated with the template formatting and content.

Then just replace the sample text with your actual content. The formatting and structure will remain intact.


Building custom Word templates saves a huge amount of time that would otherwise be spent repeatedly formatting documents and recreating common structures from scratch.

By investing some effort up front in designing professional templates for your most common document needs, you streamline your workflow and ensure branding consistency across all of your organization’s documents.

So if you create a lot of Word documents for your business or personal projects, take advantage of custom templates!