How to Change the Default Font in Microsoft Word 2010

269981 How to Change the Default Font in Microsoft Word 2010

The default font in Microsoft Word 2010 is Calibri 11 pt. While this is a clean, professional font, you may prefer to set the default to something else across all your Word documents. Whether you want all your documents to use Times New Roman or Comic Sans (no judgement!), it only takes a few clicks to update the default font in Word.

In this simple tutorial, you’ll learn how to change the default font so it sticks for all new Word documents you create.

Why Change the Default Font?

Here are some reasons you may want to switch up the default font in Word:

  • Visual preference – You simply like the look and feel of another font better than Calibri. For example, you find Times New Roman easier to read or want to use a stylish Google font.
  • Branding purposes – Your company or organization has an official font as part of its visual branding. Changing the default ensures brand consistency.
  • Visual accessibility – You have a visual impairment that makes certain fonts easier to read. Changing to an accessible font improves readability.
  • Add-in conflicts – Some Word add-ins override the default font, so resetting it resolves formatting issues.

No matter the reason, it’s quick and easy to change the default font to meet your needs or preferences.

Step 1: Open a Blank Word Document

The first step is to open any blank document in Word 2010. This includes:

  • A new blank document
  • An existing blank template
  • A document with content you’ve deleted

You want to start with a “clean slate” document with no text or formatting.

To open a blank document:

  1. Click the File tab
  2. Click New
  3. Under Available Templates, double click Blank Document

This will open a fresh document for you to work in.

Step 2: Access the Font Dialog Box

Next, go to the Home tab and click the small arrow in the bottom right corner of the Font group:

Font group arrow screenshot

This will open the Font dialog box:

Font dialog box screenshot

The Font dialog box allows you to preview and select font types, styles, sizes and more.

Step 3: Choose Your Desired Font

With the Font box now open, go ahead and select your desired default font for Word documents:

  • Click the Font drop down to view all available fonts installed on your computer
  • Select the font family you want, such as Arial or Garamond
  • Choose any other font specifications:
    • Font style – bold, italic, underline, etc.
    • Size – 12 pt, 14 pt, etc.
    • Effects – strikethrough, superscript, etc.

For example, to set the default font to Arial 14 pt bold:

  1. Choose Arial in the Font drop down
  2. Check the Bold checkbox
  3. Choose 14 in the Size drop down

Preview your selection at the top of the dialog box to ensure it’s exactly what you want.

Step 4: Click “Set as Default”

Here comes the most important part! With your desired font selected, click the “Set As Default” button at the bottom left of the Font dialog box.

Set as default screenshot

This is what actually sets your chosen font to the new default in Word.

Step 5: Select All Documents for the Template

After clicking Set as Default, a new Word Options dialog box will appear:

Word options dialog screenshot

Make sure to select the radio button for “All documents based on the Normal template”. This applies the font change to all new blank documents going forward.

If you only select “This document” it will only apply to the single document you currently have open. So be sure to check that box for the template instead!

Step 6: Click OK to Confirm

Lastly, click OK at the bottom of the Word Options box to confirm the font change.

That’s it! Your new default font is now set.

Confirming the Font Change

Follow these steps to confirm your new font successfully saved as the default:

  • Close and reopen Word – You may need to completely close out of Word and relaunch it for the default change to fully take effect.
  • Create a new blank document – Open a new blank document and verify your selected font is applied by default. This is the best way to test it.
  • Undo steps if unsuccessful – If your chosen font is not the default in new documents, redo the steps above. Ensure you selected the template radio button rather than “This document”.

And that’s all it takes to update the default font in Word 2010! Now all your new documents will use your preferred font choice automatically.

Additional Default Font Tips

Keep these additional tips in mind when working with your default font:

  • You can repeat these steps at any time to choose a new default font for Word.
  • Some Word add-ins override defaults, so disable them if needed.
  • Changing the default font updates the Normal style that other styles pull from.
  • You can still manually format individual documents separately.
  • Default font changes apply to the template, not global Word settings.
  • For Word 2007 or earlier the steps are nearly identical.

Let us know if you have any other questions! Changing the default font in Word 2010 is simple once you know how.