How to Change Page Size in Google Docs

789340 How to Change Page Size in Google Docs

Google Docs is a powerful tool that offers a plethora of features to enhance your document creation experience. One such feature is the ability to adjust the page size of your document. This can be particularly useful if you need to print your document or if you’re working with specific page size requirements. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to change the page size in Google Docs, and provide some tips and insights to make the most of this feature.

Changing Page Size in Google Docs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Changing the page size in Google Docs is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Google Docs document that you want to edit. If you don’t have one yet, you can start a new document by going to Google Docs and selecting ‘Blank’.
  2. Click on the ‘File’ menu at the top left of the screen. A dropdown menu will appear.
  3. From this menu, select ‘Page setup’.
  4. In the ‘Page Setup’ dialogue box, you’ll see various options for adjusting your document’s layout.
  5. Look for the ‘Page size’ dropdown menu.
  6. Click on it, and you’ll see a list of pre-defined page sizes, including standard sizes like Letter, Legal, A4, and more.
  7. If you want a custom page size that is not in the pre-defined list, scroll down to the bottom of the dropdown menu and select ‘Custom’.
  8. This will allow you to enter your own dimensions. Enter the width and height in inches or millimeters and click ‘OK’.
  9. Beneath the page size options, you can also select the orientation – portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) – that suits your needs.
  10. You can adjust the page margins as well. Google Docs provides default margin settings, but you can customize them according to your preferences.
  11. After making the necessary adjustments, click the ‘OK’ button to apply the new page size to your document.
  12. Google Docs will automatically adjust the document layout to fit the selected page size.

Using Custom Add-Ons for Page Size Adjustments

If you need to set a custom page size that isn’t available in the standard list, you can use a custom add-on called Page Sizer. You can get it by going to Add-ons (in the toolbar) > Get add-ons and then searching for it by name. Once you find it, just press the blue Free button to add it to Docs. You can then access it by clicking on Add-ons in the toolbar to display all the add-ons you have[11].

Tips and Best Practices for Page Size Customization

When selecting a page size, it’s essential to consider the final output medium of your document. If you plan to distribute it digitally, choosing the right page size can significantly impact the final look and feel of your work[10].

Remember, Google Docs documents can be up to 1.02 million characters, regardless of the number of pages or font size[3]. If your document exceeds this limit, you may experience errors or difficulties. In such cases, consider dividing the text into multiple sub-documents linked from a master document[8].


Changing the page size in Google Docs is a simple yet powerful way to customize your documents to suit your needs. Whether you’re preparing a document for print or digital distribution, the ability to adjust page size can help you create more professional and visually appealing documents. So go ahead, give it a try, and explore the possibilities that this feature opens up!

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