Renaming files in the Google Docs app on your iPhone is easy and can help keep your documents organized. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to change a file name in Google Docs on iPhone.
Locate the File You Want to Rename
First, open the Google Docs app on your iPhone. On the bottom right, tap the Add button (it looks like a plus sign).
Select the file you want to rename. This will open the document so you can view or edit it.
Access the Rename Option
- Tap the three dots in the upper right corner to open more options
- Select Rename
This will allow you to change the document’s name.
Enter a New Name
Tap inside the file name field to highlight the current name. Type in the new name you want for the document.
Here are some tips for renaming files:
- Keep names short, simple, and descriptive
- Use underscores instead of spaces (e.g. my_document.docx instead of my document.docx)
- Avoid special characters like / ? % * : | ” < >
- Check for typos before saving the new name
When you have entered the new name, tap Rename at the bottom of the screen to save the change.
Confirm the Change
After renaming a file, go back to the main Documents view in Google Docs to confirm the new name has been updated. You may need to swipe down to refresh the list.
The steps to rename a file are the same whether it is a document, spreadsheet, presentation, or other file type opened in Google Docs.
Tips for Managing Files in Google Docs
Here are some additional tips for keeping your Google Docs files organized on your iPhone:
Create Folders
Use folders to categorize files by topic, project, client, or other criteria. Tap the Add button and select Folder to make a new one. You can then move files into the appropriate folders.
Search Files
Use the search bar at the top of the Google Docs app to quickly find files by name. This works even if you don’t remember which folder a file is stored in.
Sort Files
Tap the three-line menu icon in the top left corner of the app to sort your files by name, date modified, or other criteria. Sorting helps surface recently edited files.
Star Important Files
Starring a file adds it to your Starred section in Google Docs for quick access later. Tap the star icon on a file’s thumbnail image to star or unstar it.
Work Offline
Tap the three-dot menu for a document and select Available offline. This saves the file to your iPhone so you can edit it without an internet connection. Changes will sync when you go back online.
See File Details
Tap the i icon on a file to see details like file size, who it is shared with, and version history. The info can help identify outdated copies or troubleshoot issues.
Share Files and Folders
Tap the three-dot menu for a file or folder to select the Share & collaborate option. Enter people’s emails to provide view or edit access.
Following these tips will help you rename files with ease and keep your Google Docs organized on your iPhone! Let me know if you have any other questions.