How to Always Display Word Count in Google Docs

45315 How to Always Display Word Count in Google Docs

Keeping track of your word count is an important part of writing. Whether you’re writing a blog post, article, paper, or book, knowing the length helps ensure you stay within your target range.

Google Docs has a handy built-in word count feature. However, it doesn’t display the count by default. You have to actively open the word count box to view the number.

In this post, I’ll explain an easy way to always show word count in Google Docs. I’ll provide step-by-step instructions that work on both desktop and mobile.

Why Show Word Count in Google Docs

Here are some of the benefits of having the word count permanently visible:

  • Hit your target length: See at a glance whether your document is too long, too short, or just right. No more guessing.
  • Track your progress: Watch the numbers go up as you write. This can help motivate you to keep adding content.
  • Edit more efficiently: Identifying wordy sections is easier when you can view the impact of removing or rewriting text.
  • Plan content: If you know you want a 1,000-word blog post, you can pace yourself appropriately from the start.

How to Display Word Count in Google Docs

Displaying word count in Docs only takes a minute to set up. Follow these steps:

On Desktop

  1. Open your document in Google Docs on your computer.
  2. Click “Tools” in the menu bar at the top and select “Word count” from the drop-down options. Word count option in the Google Docs toolbar
  3. The word count box will appear in the bottom left. Click on the three dots in the upper right section of the box. Word count box with more options
  4. Select “Display always” from the menu. Menu to make word count always visible

The word count will now remain visible even as you scroll through your document.

On Mobile

The process is very similar on mobile:

  1. Open the Google Docs app and view your document.
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner and choose “Word count” from the menu.
  3. Tap the three-dot menu again in the word count box.
  4. Select “Display always.”

The word count box will stick to the top of the screen as you scroll on your phone or tablet.

And that’s it! The word count will stay on display unless you manually close the box.

Tips for Using Word Count

Now that you know your document length at all times, here are some tips for putting this info to good use:

  • Set a target word count goal before you start writing. This gives you something specific to aim for.
  • Break long documents into sections and set limits for each part.
  • Use word count to eliminate fluff during the editing process. Removing unnecessary words improves readability.
  • For blog posts and articles, compare your draft against top-performing competitor posts of a similar format and style to make sure your length is on track.


Having an always-visible word count makes writing in Google Docs much more efficient. You can instantly view your document length instead of having to actively open the counter.

Use this simple display setting to hit target lengths for papers, blog articles, chapters, and more. It helps take the guesswork out of writing.