How to Add Google Keep Notes to Google Docs

609604 How to Add Google Keep Notes to Google Docs

Google Keep and Google Docs are two incredibly useful apps from Google that help you take notes, organize information, and collaborate with others. But did you know you can actually connect these two apps to streamline your workflow even more?

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the steps for adding your Google Keep notes directly into a Google Doc, making it easy to access all your ideas and information in one place.

Why Integrate Google Keep and Google Docs

There are a few key reasons why you may want to integrate Google Keep notes into your Google Docs:

  • Access notes quickly – Rather than toggling between apps to view your Keep notes, you can see them directly within a Doc for faster access.
  • Organize research – If you use Keep to collect research or references, adding those notes into a Doc keeps everything together in one place.
  • Collaborate easier – Sharing access to a Doc with your notes makes it simple for teams to access the same information.
  • Develop ideas – You can brainstorm ideas in Keep and then open them up in a Doc to expand on them more fully.

How to Add Google Keep Notes into Google Docs

Adding Keep notes into Docs only takes a few quick steps:

1. Open Google Docs

Go to Google Docs in your web browser and open up an existing document or create a new one.

2. Locate the Google Keep Side Panel

In the right sidebar, click on the “Keep” icon that looks like a lightbulb. This will open up a side panel showing notes from your Google Keep account.

3. Find the Note You Want to Add

Browse through your list of Keep notes and locate the specific note(s) you want to add to your document. You can also search for notes.

4. Drag the Note into the Doc

Click on the note and drag it directly into the body of your Google Doc where you want it positioned. The contents from Keep will now be inserted.

That’s all there is to it! The note content will now live within your Doc for easy access and reference.

Tips for Using Google Keep & Google Docs Together

Here are some additional tips for getting the most out of using Keep and Docs together:

  • Create Doc links in Keep – When you add a Keep note to Docs, a link back to the document gets added in Keep automatically. This helps you trace notes back to the original Doc.
  • Save Doc excerpts to Keep – You can highlight text in a Doc and save it into a new Keep note for easy access later. Just right-click and choose “Save to Keep”.
  • Share notes with collaborators – Keep notes can be shared, allowing teams to co-edit. This carries over when adding shared notes into collaborative Docs.
  • Use Keep for brainstorming – Jot down quick ideas and thoughts in Keep while they’re top of mind, then open them in Docs later to expand on them more fully.
  • Organize with labels – Use labels in Keep to mark notes for certain projects or categories, making them easy to find when needed in Docs.

Extra Functionality with Google Workspace

If you want even more seamless integration, consider upgrading to Google Workspace for access to premium features.

With Google Workspace, Keep notes stay synced with any changes made in linked Docs. So if you update a Keep note added to a Doc, those changes will sync both ways automatically.

Workspace also gives you more advanced options like seeing note suggestions in Docs based on Keep content. This uses Google’s AI to provide smart recommendations tailored to your notes.

Add Google Keep to Google Docs Today

Adding your Google Keep notes directly into Google Docs streamlines your workflow by putting all your ideas and information together in one place. Whether you’re an individual, small business, or enterprise team, connecting these two free apps from Google can help boost your productivity.

Try out the steps in this guide to start integrating Keep and Docs today. And if you want even tighter integration, explore upgrading to Google Workspace for automatic two-way syncing between notes and documents.
