How to Add a Signature to Google Docs

525600 How to Add a Signature to Google Docs

Adding a signature to documents in Google Docs is an easy way to indicate approval, authorization, or agreement. Whether you need to sign a contract, approve an invoice, or simply show you authored a document, this guide will walk you through the entire process step-by-step.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following:

  • A Google account
  • Access to Google Docs
  • The document you want to sign open in Docs

That’s it! No special software or accounts required.

Method 1: Insert a Handwritten Signature

Step 1: Open Your Document

Open the Google Docs document you want to sign in your browser. Place your cursor where you want the signature to appear.

Step 2: Launch the Drawing Tool

Click “Insert” in the top menu bar and select “Drawing” > “New” to launch the drawing tool.

Step 3: Draw Your Signature

In the drawing toolbar, click the drop-down arrow next to the line icon and select “Scribble.” Use your mouse or trackpad to draw your signature.

Draw signature in Google Drawings

Step 4: Adjust and Save

Customize the thickness, color, etc. to your liking. When finished, click “Save and Close.”

Step 5: Insert into Docs

Your signature will now appear in the document where you placed your cursor. Move it if needed.

Method 2: Insert Image of Signature

If you already have an image file of your signature, you can insert it directly into Docs instead of drawing it.

Step 1: Get Signature Image

Obtain a scanned image of your handwritten signature. Make sure it’s clear and easy to read.

Step 2: Insert into Document

In Google Docs, place your cursor where you want the signature. Click “Insert” > “Image” and select your signature file.

Step 3: Adjust Size and Position

Use the handles to resize your signature image as needed. Drag it to the desired location.

Method 3: Add Digital Signature

To insert a digital signature generated from a third-party tool:

Step 1: Create Digital Signature

Use a secure digital signature service to create a digital signature file.

Step 2: Download Signature File

Download the signature file to your computer. Common formats are JPG, PNG, GIF or PDF.

Step 3: Insert Digital Signature

In your Google Doc, click “Insert > Image” and upload your digital signature file.

Step 4: Position Signature

Drag the signature to the appropriate spot in your document.

Method 4: Use Google Add-ons

Add-ons extend Docs’ capabilities. Here’s how to use them for signatures:

Step 1: Install Add-on

Click “Add-ons > Get add-ons” and search for a signature add-on like DocuSign or PandaDoc. Install for free.

Step 2: Sign into Add-on

A sidebar will appear where you can sign into your account. If you don’t have one, create a free account.

Step 3: Insert Signature Field

Click a button in the sidebar to insert a signature field. This is where the signature will appear.

Step 4: Send for Signatures

Use the add-on to send your document to others for electronic signature.

Tips for Managing Signatures

  • Make signatures visible: Use a thick pen and dark color so signatures stand out.
  • Lock signatures: Right click the signature and select “Lock” so it can’t be moved or deleted.
  • Download signed copies: Save signed documents as PDFs for your records.
  • Get alerts on status: If using an add-on, set up notifications for when signatures are completed.


Whether you need to sign a document yourself or route it to others, Google Docs makes adding signatures simple. With a few clicks, you can insert handwritten, image, digital or electronic signatures. Just choose the method that best meets your specific needs.