How do you Make Notes in Google Docs

854662 How do you Make Notes in Google Docs

Taking notes is an essential skill for work, school, or personal projects. With the rise of technology and remote work, more people are taking notes digitally. Google Docs is one of the most popular digital note-taking tools due to its accessibility, collaboration features, and integration with other Google services.

In this article, we will walk through how to effectively take notes in Google Docs, including formatting tips, collaboration best practices, and ways to integrate Docs with other apps like Keep and Calendar. Whether you take notes for meetings, class lectures, research, or personal use, read on to transform the way you take notes digitally.

Getting Set Up in Google Docs

The first step is to open a new Docs document to house your notes. Simply go to Google Docs and click “+ New” > “Document” to get started.

Name the document something related to the notes topic so it’s easily identifiable among other Docs. For example, name it “Research Notes on Topic X” or “Meeting Notes December 2023.”

Create a header with key details like the date and notes topic. This helps orient you each time you return to the document. For meetings and events, list attendees and the meeting name as well.

Set up the page format to your preference. Consider using wider margins for more writing space and increasing the line height to fit handwritten notes if you prefer writing by hand then transferring to Docs.

Formatting Notes in Google Docs

Apply formatting like headings, text styling, lists, and tables to structure your notes clearly.

Use headings to separate main topics and divide long notes documents into sections. Toggle different heading sizes like Heading 2 or Heading 3 in the Styles menu.

Bold or italicize text to emphasize important points that need highlighting.

Create bulleted or numbered lists to break down concepts into easy-to-digest steps. Toggle list formatting in the Formatting options menu.

Use tables to organize related components like pros and cons, traits of a theory, and more. Go to Insert > Table to add and customize tables.

Collaborating with Other Users

One of the main benefits of Google Docs is real-time collaboration with other users. Follow these tips when taking collaborative notes:

Share access to the Doc with specific people by going to File > Share and entering email addresses. Choose whether to allow editing abilities or view-only access.

Create a table with columns assigned to users. Each person can type notes in their column rather than jumping around the document.

Use different text colors to differentiate each person’s writing.

Write names next to contributions so it’s clear who made each note.

Comment on or highlight text from other users to ask clarifying questions, leave feedback, or surface important points.

Discuss the document in real time while editing by opening the chat box in Tools > Chat while editing.

Integrating Google Docs with Other Apps

Connect your notes in Google Docs to other Google services to save time and stay organized.

Link to Google Calendar: Schedule meetings and events right from your Doc with integrated Calendar access. Click the Calendar icon to view and insert upcoming events.

Sync with Google Keep: Access your Keep note reminders and lists directly in a Doc. Click the Keep notepad icon in Docs to view notes and drag and drop them into your document.

Save research to Docs: Install the Google Docs browser extension to easily save webpages and images to your notes with one click as you research online.

Export as a PDF: When finished, download your notes as a shareable PDF using File > Download > PDF document.


Google Docs empowers users to take organized, sharable, and integrated notes digitally with just a web browser. Implement the tips above to format notes clearly, enable seamless collaboration, and sync your Docs with other Google services for efficiency. Consider creating note templates to standardize notes across meetings, projects, research, and more.

With some practice, Google Docs can become your go-to note-taking platform for work and beyond, helping you capture information quickly and access it from anywhere. Work smarter by taking advantage of these helpful Google Docs features for your notes.

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