3 Ways to Insert a Video in Google Docs

261418 3 Ways to Insert a Video in Google Docs

Inserting a video in Google Docs can enhance documents and presentations. Videos help convey ideas more clearly and engage readers. While Google Docs lacks a built-in video insertion tool, there are three easy workarounds:

Use the Video Link Preview

The simplest way is to insert a YouTube or Google Drive video link. Highlight the link, right-click, and select Open Link. This displays the video preview player.


  • Quick and easy
  • Allows playback without leaving the document
  • Supports YouTube and Google Drive links


  • Only shows preview, doesn’t embed video
  • Have to reclick link to replay

Copy From Google Slides

You can embed a copied video from Google Slides into Google Docs.


  1. Open a new Google Slides presentation
  2. Insert desired video via Insert > Video
  3. Click the video and press Ctrl/Cmd + C to copy
  4. In Google Docs, select Insert > Drawing > New
  5. Press Ctrl/Cmd + V to paste the copied video


  • Embeds an interactive video element
  • Works with any video source


  • Requires the extra Google Slides step

Use the DocuTube Viewer Add-On

The DocuTube Viewer add-on allows video insertion and playback right within Google Docs.


  1. Open the Google Docs document
  2. Select Add-ons > Get add-ons
  3. Install DocuTube Viewer
  4. Click Extensions > DocuTube Viewer > Load Videos
  5. Insert desired video link(s)
  6. Click video to play within the DocuTube pane


  • Plays videos seamlessly in the document
  • Supports video playlists


  • Requires installing an extra add-on

Best Practices for Inserting Videos

When inserting videos into Google Docs, follow these tips:

  • Check permissions: Ensure you have rights to embed copyrighted videos
  • Link the source: Credit the video creator by linking to their site/channel
  • Keep it short: Use short 1-3 minute clips to maximize engagement
  • Mind the context: Insert videos relevant to the surrounding content
  • Enhance the layout: Add text wraparounds, captions, and alt text


Adding videos engages readers and improves document clarity. With three straightforward methods to insert videos, Google Docs remains a versatile document creation tool. Simply copy from Google Slides, use the preview player, or install DocuTube Viewer to embed videos directly into docs.