How to Get a Free Raffle Ticket Template for Microsoft Word

946945 How to Get a Free Raffle Ticket Template for Microsoft Word

Raffle tickets are a great way to raise money for a cause or event. With some simple steps, you can create custom raffle tickets tailored to your needs using Microsoft Word. This allows you complete creative control over the design.

Follow this simple tutorial to make professional raffle tickets for free.

Step 1: Download a Raffle Ticket Template

The easiest way to get started is to download a pre-made raffle ticket template. There are many free templates available online.

Here are some good options:

Download the template you like and open it in Microsoft Word.

Step 2: Customize the Template

Once the template is open in Word, add your own text and images.

Things you may want to customize:

  • Raffle title and organization name
  • Date, time and location of drawing
  • Ticket price
  • Prizes being raffled off
  • Contact information
  • Terms and conditions
  • Background colors and images

Replace the sample content with information tailored to your event.

Step 3: Add Sequential Numbering

To number the tickets automatically:

  1. Click on the ticket number already in the template.
  2. In the “Insert” tab click “Quick Parts” then select “Field”.
  3. Choose “SEQ (Sequence)” from the list and insert it. Update the field if needed.

This will number the tickets sequentially, saving you tons of time!

Step 4: Duplicate the Pages

Once your first ticket is designed, duplicate the page to create all the tickets you need.

To duplicate the page:

  1. Go to the “Insert” tab and click “Duplicate Page”
  2. Select how many copies you want
  3. Click OK

Update the ticket numbers if needed by right-clicking and selecting “Update Field”.

Step 5: Print on Cardstock

Print your tickets on cardstock paper so they feel substantial when people buy them.

Some good options:

  • 65lb cardstock
  • Astrobrights paper
  • 32lb premium paper

Step 6: Cut, Perforate or Number the Tickets

You have a few options when separating the tickets:

  • Cut – Use a paper cutter or scissors to cut the tickets apart
  • Perforate – Use perforated paper like Avery Perforated Business Cards to easily tear them apart
  • Number – Leave the tickets connected and tear them off by number when purchased

The choice depends on your preferences!

And that’s it! With these six simple steps you can quickly create custom raffle tickets tailored to your event for free.

Tips for Designing Eye-Catching Raffle Tickets

Now that you know how to make raffle tickets in Word, here are some tips to make them pop:

Use a Colorful Template

Choose a pre-designed template with vibrant colors and graphics. This grabs people’s attention compared to a plain white ticket.

Include Images

Images related to the cause or event make the tickets more interesting. Just drop any photos or logo graphics directly into your template.

Highlight Key Details

Use larger or bolded fonts to emphasize the event name, date and prizes. This information needs to stand out.

Add Your Logo

Include your organization or company logo on the tickets. This gives them a polished, professional look.

Choose Readable Fonts

While you want eye-catching fonts, make sure they are easy to read for key details like the phone and address.

With a well-designed template and these design tips, your raffle tickets will fly off the shelf!

Numbering and Printing Bulk Tickets

For large raffles with hundreds of tickets, numbering and printing the tickets efficiently is key.

Here are some tips:

Create a Number Sequence in Excel

Use Excel to generate a list of numbers, one for each ticket. This saves you from manually typing every number.

Mail Merge Numbers into Word

Mail merge the list of numbers from Excel into your Word ticket template. This automates inserting a different number on each ticket.

Print in Batches

Print the tickets in small batches like groups of 25. This prevents waste if you make an error and need to reprint a few.

Use Double Sided Printing

To save paper, print names and addresses on one side and ticket details on the reverse side.

Making Easy Updates for Future Events

The great thing about designing raffle tickets in Word is you can reuse the template. Follow these tips to easily update them for future raffles:

Save the Template

After creating your tickets, save the Word file to use for the next event.

Update the Details

Open the old template and change the details like date and prizes. Add new graphics if needed.

Reprint the Tickets

Since the template is saved, just print more tickets on demand for the new raffle!

Saving your custom Word template makes reordering raffle tickets for recurring events simple.

Free Raffle Ticket Templates Save Time and Money

As you can see, creating custom raffle tickets using Word templates is easy and versatile. With some basic formatting tricks, you can design tickets tailored to your event for free.

The advantages of using a pre-made template include:

  • More Design Control – Fully customize tickets compared to pre-printed ones
  • Cost Savings – Free templates vs. paying a print shop
  • Time Savings – Design once and reuse templates for future raffles

Follow the steps in this article to quickly make professional raffle tickets customized to your needs. Then use the ticket design again and again!

Let us know in the comments if you have any other tips for designing raffle tickets in Word. And check out the resources below for more great templates.