How to Fully Justify the Margins in Microsoft Word for the iMac

724441 How to Fully Justify the Margins in Microsoft Word for the iMac

Aligning text between the left and right margins of a document is known as justification. Fully justified text has clean edges on both the left and right margins, creating an aesthetically pleasing format.

For iMac users running Microsoft Word, fully justifying text is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few clicks. Properly justified text gives any document, from essays to resumes, a polished and professional look.

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to fully justify text between the margins in Microsoft Word on an iMac.

Step 1: Select the Text You Want to Justify

The first step is to highlight the text you want to justify. This can be a single paragraph, multiple paragraphs, or the entire document. Here is how to select text in Word on an iMac:

  • To select a paragraph, simply click inside the paragraph.
  • To select multiple paragraphs, click and drag over the paragraphs to highlight them.
  • To select the entire document, go to the menu bar and select Edit > Select All.

Once the text you want fully justified is selected, move on to the next step.

Step 2: Find the Justify Option

With your text selected, go to the Home tab on the menu bar. In the Paragraph section you’ll see a series of alignment icons. Click on the Justify icon, which has horizontal lines aligned on both the left and right.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command + J to justify text on a Mac.

Step 3: Check the Formatting

After clicking the Justify icon, your selected text should now have even spacing between words to align both the left and right edges.

The last line of a justified paragraph may appear slightly shorter than the rest. This is normal in justified text.

If you want to justify the last line as well, place your cursor at the end of the last line and hit Shift + Return rather than just Return.

Review your text to ensure proper justification between both margins. Make any final edits to the word spacing as needed.

Step 4: Disable Justification When Needed

There may be times when you want to disable text justification, such as headings or individual paragraphs. Here is how to turn justification on or off:

  • To turn off justification, select the text and choose Left Align, Right Align, or Center Align in the Paragraph section.
  • To turn justification back on, select the text and click the Justify icon again.

Advanced Justification Options

In addition to standard full justification, Microsoft Word also offers some advanced justification controls. Here are a few options to explore:

Adjust Spacing Between Words: In justified text, you may end up with wide gaps between words on some lines. Go to the Layout tab > Paragraph section > click the arrow by Justify to adjust spacing.

Justify Specific Lines: Rather than whole paragraphs, you can choose to justify only specific lines of text. Select the lines you want justified, right click, and choose Paragraph > Indents and Spacing > Alignment > Justified.

Justify Last Line: As mentioned earlier, the last line of justified text typically remains left aligned. To justify the last line as well, select the paragraph, click the arrow by Justify, and turn on Justify last line.


And there you have it – now you know how to fully justify text between the margins in Microsoft Word on an iMac!

Properly justified text creates an aesthetically pleasing format for any document. It’s a simple process that only takes a few clicks.

Some key takeaways:

  • Select the text you want justified
  • Click the Justify icon in the Home tab
  • Use Command+J to justify text
  • Disable justification on text when needed
  • Explore advanced justification options

Justifying text between both margins gives your documents, essays, resumes, and more a clean, professional, and polished look.