How to Create Professional Signature in Microsoft Word for Outlook

141864 How to Create Professional Signature in Microsoft Word for Outlook

Creating a professional email signature in Microsoft Word that you can use in Outlook only takes a few simple steps. With a customized signature, you can promote your brand and make sure your emails always look polished and put together.

Why Create an Email Signature

Here are some of the key reasons to use an email signature:

  • Professionalism – An email signature gives a professional touch to all your outgoing emails. It ensures recipients can easily find your contact details.
  • Branding – A signature allows you to display your company logo, tagline, colors and other branding elements. It’s a free way to reinforce your brand.
  • Promotion – You can include links to your website, social media profiles or other materials you want recipients to see.

Getting Started with the Email Signature Template

Microsoft Word provides a handy email signature template you can use to easily create a signature. Here’s how:

1. Open the Template in Word

In Word, go to File > New and search for “email signature gallery”. Select the template result and click Create.

This opens a document with 20 pre-designed email signature layouts you can choose from.

2. Select a Template to Customize

Review the different templates and select one that best matches the style you want for your signature.

Once you’ve chosen one, delete the sample content and keep the layout structure. You’re now ready to add your own details.

Customizing the Signature

Follow these tips as you customize your signature template:

Include Relevant Contact Info

Add your:

  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Email address
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Company website

Only include details recipients may need to contact you.

Add Branding Elements

Make sure to display:

  • Company logo
  • Brand colors
  • Tagline or slogan (optional)

This visually reinforces your brand.

Include Social Media Links

Add icons linking to your:

  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram (if relevant)

The more links the better so recipients can connect with you.

Add a Headshot

Include a professional photo of yourself so recipients can put a face to your name.

Optional Extras

If you have room, you may also add:

  • Company registration details
  • Awards / certifications
  • Compliance statements
  • Taglines
  • Inspiring quotes

Only include extras if they fit with your brand identity and don’t clutter your signature.

Formatting Your Signature

Apply formatting to make your signature visually appealing:

Use Consistent Formatting

Make sure font styles and sizes are consistent across all text. Stick to the same color palette.

Emphasize Key Details

Bold your name and job title so these stand out. Increase font size for this text too.

Align Text and Images

Align all elements – text, logos, images – neatly down the left side. Right align links and extras.

Check Mobile Responsiveness

Email signatures display on mobile too. Make sure text doesn’t wrap oddly at narrow widths.

Adding Your Signature in Outlook

Once your signature looks professional, adding it into Outlook only takes a moment:

1. Copy the Signature

In Word, select all signature content and copy it.

2. Open Outlook Options

In Outlook, go to File > Options. Select the Mail tab.

3. Add New Signature

Under Signatures select New and give your signature a name.

4. Paste Signature Content

In the box below, paste the signature content you copied from Word.

5. Enable as Default

Check the box to make this signature the default for New messages.

Your signature will now automatically be included in all new emails sent through Outlook.

Tips for Email Signature Success

Follow these additional tips:

  • Be consistent – Use your signature in all emails for a professional look.
  • Keep it updated – Change details whenever you switch jobs or companies.
  • Check mobile view – Preview your signature on mobile to check responsiveness.
  • Use business email – Don’t use your personal email for professional purposes.
  • Add compliance details if relevant – Include legally required statements.

Creating an email signature in Word for Outlook is easy and ensures you always make a great first impression with professional, branded emails.