How to Add the Developer Tab to the Ribbon in Microsoft Word and Excel

769088 How to Add the Developer Tab to the Ribbon in Microsoft Word and Excel

The Developer tab is an optional toolbar in Microsoft Word and Excel that gives you access to advanced features like macros, XML data, form controls, code windows, and more. However, this useful tab is hidden by default.

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the quick and easy steps to add the Developer tab to the ribbon in both Word and Excel.

Why Add the Developer Tab

Here are some of the key things you can do with the developer tab:

  • Write and edit VBA code modules to create custom macros and functions
  • Add form controls like checkboxes, combo boxes, and buttons
  • Import, export, map, and validate XML data files
  • Create user forms, custom dialog boxes, and custom task panes
  • Convert documents to XML or other formats
  • Insert various ActiveX controls

These advanced tools are invaluable for developers and power users. So if you want to tap the full potential of Word and Excel, enabling the tab is a must.

How to Show the Developer Tab in Word

Follow these simple steps to add the Developer tab to the ribbon in Microsoft Word:

Step 1: Open Word Options

Go to the File tab and click Options. Alternatively, you can right-click on the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon from the context menu.

Step 2: Check the Developer Box

Under the Main Tabs section, check the box next to Developer.

check developer box in word options

Step 3: Click OK

The Developer tab will now appear in the ribbon.

And that’s it! The Developer tab will remain visible unless you uninstall Office or clear the check box.

How to Get the Developer Tab in Excel

Similarly, enabling the developer toolbar in Excel only takes a few clicks.

Step 1: Go to Excel Options

Click the File tab, click Options. Alternatively, you can right-click on the ribbon and choose Customize the Ribbon.

Step 2: Select Developer Checkbox

Under the Main Tabs section, check the box next to Developer to enable it.

check developer box in excel options

Step 3: Click OK

The Developer tab will now be visible in the Excel ribbon.

That’s all there is to it! Once enabled, the Developer tab will remain on the ribbon unless you uninstall Office or uncheck the box.

Customize the Developer Tab

You can also customize the developer toolbar and add or remove specific buttons and features based on your needs.

To do this, go to the Customize Ribbon section on the right side and select the Developer tab. You will then see all the developer tools available to add or remove.

Wrap Up

The Developer tab brings many advanced functionalities that allow you to customize, automate, and extend Word and Excel.

By following the simple steps in this article, you can enable this hidden gem on the ribbon and level up your Office skills.

So if you ever need to work with VBA, forms, XML data, or other advanced features, be sure to turn on the Developer tab first. It will save you tons of time and effort.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!