How to Add a Hyperlink in Google Docs

401550 How to Add a Hyperlink in Google Docs

Adding hyperlinks in Google Docs allows you to connect your readers to helpful information and resources related to your document’s content. Whether you want to cite external websites as references or allow readers to easily navigate between sections, mastering hyperlinks boosts the quality and utility of your Docs.

This comprehensive guide will teach you how to add hyperlinks on both desktop and mobile, using simple step-by-step instructions. You’ll also learn pro tips for creating accessible, optimized links.

Insert a Hyperlink on Desktop

Follow these steps to add a clickable hyperlink in Google Docs on desktop:

  • Select the text you want to make into a hyperlink. Highlight a single word, phrase, or multiple sentences.
  • Click the Insert link icon in the toolbar. It looks like a chain link.
  • Enter the destination URL in the pop-up box and click Apply. The hyperlinked text will appear blue and underlined when done correctly.

Pro Tip: Enable the “Show link details on hover” setting to preview URLs.

Insert a Hyperlink on Mobile

Adding links in the Google Docs mobile app only takes a few taps:

  • Tap the text in your document where you want the hyperlink to appear.
  • Tap Insert Link in the pop-up toolbar.
  • Type or paste the URL and tap the checkmark to apply it.

Pro Tip: Android users may need to tap the vertical “…” menu to access the Insert Link option.

Link to Other Documents

You can also hyperlink to other files stored in Google Drive:

  • When adding a new link, start typing the document name instead of a URL.
  • Select the correct file from the suggested results.
  • Use this to connect readers to related spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs, and other files.

Link to Headings & Bookmarks

Help readers navigate longer Docs by linking to headings and bookmarks:

  • Add bookmarks at key sections by going to Insert > Bookmark.
  • When inserting a hyperlink, choose the Bookmarks option and select the heading to link to.
  • The link will scroll directly to that part of the document when clicked.

Optimize Hyperlinks for Accessibility

Follow these best practices to ensure your hyperlinks are accessible:

  • Use descriptive text that explains where the link goes, rather than generic phrases like “click here.”
  • Check color contrast to make sure links stand out.
  • Include the title attribute to provide more context on hover/focus.
  • Avoid opening links in new tabs unless absolutely necessary.

Enhance Links for SEO

Optimizing hyperlinks can also improve your document’s search visibility:

  • Use keyword-rich anchor text where appropriate to indicate relevance.
  • Link to high-quality, related resources to increase topical authority.
  • Include both internal and external links to aid discovery.
  • Check for broken links regularly to avoid sending users to error pages.

Insert Hyperlinks with Markdown

You can also use Markdown syntax to quickly add links in Google Docs:

  • Surround the text with square brackets e.g. [click here].
  • Follow it immediately with the URL wrapped in parentheses e.g. (
  • When typed correctly with no spaces, the link will render automatically.

Troubleshooting Tips

If your links don’t appear correctly, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Check for invisible spaces between brackets and parentheses.
  • Verify the URL is valid and web-accessible.
  • Make sure privacy settings don’t restrict link access.
  • Refresh the document and restart your browser if issues persist.


Adding well-formatted hyperlinks makes your Google Docs more useful for readers. Whether linking for reference, attribution, navigation, or SEO, this guide covers all the techniques you need to know.

Mastering hyperlinks does take practice, but a few simple clicks (or taps) is all it takes to get started. Just remember to optimize for accessibility and check for broken links as you edit.