5+ Google Docs Apps and Add-Ons to Boost Your Productivity and Efficiency

805329 5+ Google Docs Apps and Add-Ons to Boost Your Productivity and Efficiency

In today’s fast-paced work environment, improving productivity and efficiency is key to getting more done in less time. Google Docs is already an incredibly useful tool for creating, editing, and collaborating on documents. However, you can take it to the next level by utilizing some of the many available Google Docs apps and add-ons.

These tools help streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and provide additional functionality not available in the standard Google Docs editor. In this article, we will look at 6 of the top Google Docs apps and add-ons to boost your productivity and efficiency.

1. EasyBib Bibliography Creator

Creating bibliographies and citations can be tedious and time-consuming. The EasyBib Bibliography Creator add-on takes the hassle out of this process.

Once installed, it provides a sidebar in Google Docs allowing you to easily search and insert citations from a database of over 30 source types. You can then automatically generate a bibliography based on the citations you’ve added. This saves a huge amount of time compared to manually creating citations and bibliographies.

EasyBib interface

2. Docs to Markdown

If you need to convert Google Docs files into Markdown format, the Docs to Markdown add-on is the perfect tool for the job.

It adds a simple sidebar interface allowing you to export the current document into a .md file. This preserves all the formatting, images, and document structure.

The ability to effortlessly switch between Docs and Markdown is invaluable for developers, bloggers, and technical writers who work with both formats.

3. Check My Links

Broken links on your site or documents can negatively impact user experience. The Check My Links add-on makes it simple to find and fix any dead links.

After installing, it will scan your document and provide a list of all links found. You can then click each one to confirm whether it’s working correctly. If any bad links are discovered, you’ll be provided the option to remove or update them right from the sidebar.

Regularly checking links with this add-on can improve document quality and prevent future headaches.

4. Word Counter

Getting an accurate word count is useful for meeting essay requirements, optimizing SEO content, and tracking productivity. The aptly named Word Counter add-on delivers quick and convenient word counts.

Once enabled, it adds a persistent sidebar displaying the total word count for the current document. It also includes character and paragraph counts. Best of all, the numbers update in real-time as you’re typing.

No more manually counting words or copying and pasting content elsewhere. This handy tool works silently in the background to provide instant stats.

5. Grammarly

With Grammarly’s add-on, you can get advanced grammar, spelling, and style suggestions right within Google Docs. It’s like having an editor review your writing in real-time.

The add-on integrates directly with the Docs editor to underline issues and provide correction recommendations as you type. You can then easily accept or ignore suggestions with a single click.

Fixing grammar mistakes and improving writing style is a breeze with Grammarly. The immediate feedback helps you communicate ideas more clearly and effectively.

6. Docs Slides Forms Merge

Moving content between Google Docs, Slides, and Forms can require tedious copying and pasting. The Docs Slides Forms Merge add-on makes transferring content between these apps quick and seamless.

After installing, new sidebar buttons allow you to instantly send the current Docs text to a connected Slides presentation or Form. All formatting is preserved to reduce reformatting work.

You can also pull text from Slides and Forms into the current Docs file. This add-on saves you from constantly switching between tabs and manually transferring content piece by piece.


The add-ons and apps covered in this article are just a sample of what’s available to enhance productivity with Google Docs. Whether you need to create bibliographies easier, check links faster, improve writing quality, or transfer content quicker, there’s likely a tool to help streamline your workflows.

Consider browsing the Google Workspace Marketplace to uncover even more timesaving add-ons tailored to your unique needs. A few simple installations can make you far more efficient in your everyday Google Docs use.