How to Make a Table Header Repeat in Microsoft Word

789868 How to Make a Table Header Repeat in Microsoft Word

When you have a large table in Word that spans multiple pages, it can be difficult to keep track of what each column represents as you scroll through the pages. Fortunately, Word allows you to easily repeat the header row on each page the table appears so your readers can always see what each column means without having to flip pages back and forth.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the quick and simple steps to make your table header row repeat on every page in Word.

Why Repeat a Header Row?

Repeating a header row in a multi-page Word table improves usability and accessibility. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Keeps columns clearly labeled. Readers don’t have to flip back to previous pages to see what each column means. This avoids confusion and improves usability.
  • Improves accessibility. Screen reader users can more easily navigate multi-page data tables when the headers repeat on every page.
  • Looks more professional. Repeated headers give large tables a cleaner, more polished look.

How to Repeat a Header Row in Word

  1. Select the rows you want to repeat. To repeat a header, you must select the first row(s) of the table. You can repeat just the first row or multiple rows if you have sub-headers.
  2. Open the Layout tab. In the Table Tools ribbon at the top, click the Layout tab. This displays table formatting options. Layout tab in word
  3. Click Repeat Header Rows. In the Data group, click Repeat Header Rows. Repeat header rows button
  4. Verify setting. The selected header row(s) will now repeat at the top of each page. The Repeat Header Rows button will appear highlighted to indicate it’s enabled.

That’s all there is to it! The header row will now automatically repeat on subsequent pages.

To turn off repeating headers, just click the Repeat Header Rows button again.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting tips in case repeating headers doesn’t work as expected:

  • The header row must be the first row. Select multiple rows if needed, but they must include the first row.
  • Make sure text wrapping is set to “none” for the table. Go to Table Properties > Table tab to check.
  • Watch for manual page breaks within the table, which will break the repeating headers. Avoid inserting manual breaks within tables when possible.
  • If the bottom border disappears from the header row, adjust the row height to 0.01″ in Table Properties to fix it.

Repeat Column Headers Too

You can also repeat the first column using a similar process if desired. Just select the first column(s) instead of rows, and click Repeat Header Rows.

This allows you to repeat both column and row headers, keeping your table clearly labeled on each page.

Sample Word Table

Here’s an example of a table in Word with the first row repeating on every page:

Repeating header word example

As you can see, adding this simple repeating header improves the readability and polish of large tables.

Recap and Next Steps

Repeating the header row in multi-page Word tables only takes a few clicks but makes a big difference for usability and accessibility. Just remember these key steps:

  • Select the first row(s)
  • Click the Layout tab
  • Click Repeat Header Rows

To dive deeper into Word table tips and tricks, check out my advanced guide here.

Now you know how to give your large Word tables a repeating header row. Try it out on your multi-page tables and let me know if you have any other questions!

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