How to Edit an Image in Microsoft Word: 8 Useful Tools

611283 How to Edit an Image in Microsoft Word: 8 Useful Tools

Microsoft Word offers powerful built-in image editing tools, allowing you to enhance photos without needing expensive software like Photoshop. In this guide, I’ll walk you through 8 easy ways to edit images in Word.

1. Crop Images

Cropping removes unwanted areas of an image. To crop a picture in Word:

  1. Insert an image into your document (Insert > Pictures)
  2. Select the picture
  3. Go to the Picture Format tab > Crop
  4. Choose “Crop” to crop manually or “Crop to Shape” to crop to a shape
  5. Drag the crop handles to remove unwanted areas
  6. Click the Crop icon to apply changes

Cropping focuses attention on key parts of an image, improving its composition.

2. Resize Images

To resize an image:

  1. Click the picture
  2. In the Picture Format tab > Size group, adjust the Height and Width values
  3. Uncheck “Lock aspect ratio” first for full control

Resize large images to fit better within your document. Be careful not to distort images when resizing – adjust height and width together.

3. Adjust Color and Effects

To change image colors or apply effects:

  1. Select the image
  2. Go to Picture Format > Color or Picture Effects
  3. Choose a color variation or effect (shadow, glow, etc)

Use color adjustments sparingly as overly manipulated images look unnatural.

4. Add Borders

Add borders to images to make them stand out:

  1. Select the image
  2. Go to Picture Format > Picture Border
  3. Pick a border style and color

Borders can help focus attention on important images.

5. Change Brightness and Contrast

To fix dark, blurry or overexposed images:

  1. Select the picture
  2. Go to Picture Format > Corrections
  3. Adjust the brightness, contrast and sharpness

Fine-tuning image properties greatly enhances image quality.

6. Compress Images

Large images increase file sizes. To reduce resolution and file size:

  1. Click the image
  2. Go to Picture Format > Compress Pictures
  3. Choose compression level

Compress images when file size matters more than quality.

7. Apply Artistic Effects

To apply special effects:

  1. Select the image
  2. Go to Picture Format > Artistic Effects
  3. Pick an effect like Chalk Sketch or Glow Edges

Use artistic effects sparingly as they can look unprofessional if overdone.

8. Reset Changes

To undo all edits made to an image:

  1. Click the picture
  2. Go to Picture Format > Reset Picture

Use Reset Picture if you want to discard changes and start over.

And that’s it! With these 8 simple tips, you can easily edit images in Word without needing advanced software.

Cropping, resizing, adding effects and more can help you incorporate eye-catching photos into Word documents. Use restraint when editing as subtle changes usually look best.

Now you have the knowledge to make almost any image look great in Microsoft Word!

What image editing tools in Word do you find most useful? Share your thoughts in the comments!