3 Microsoft Word Plugins To Boost Your MS Word Experience

171554 3 Microsoft Word Plugins To Boost Your MS Word Experience

Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word processing software used by millions around the world. While Word already comes packed with numerous useful features to help you create professional documents faster, there are some gaps that can be filled by using plugins.

In this article, we will discuss 3 amazing Microsoft Word plugins that can significantly enhance your MS Word experience. These plugins add new functionalities, shortcuts, customization options and automation to Word so you can work more efficiently.

Whether you are a student, writer, blogger or office professional, these plugins are sure to boost your productivity. So without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Writer Tools

Writer Tools

The first plugin we recommend is Writer Tools. As the name suggests, this add-on brings various writing-specific tools right inside MS Word.

Here are some prominent features of the Writer Tools plugin:

Readability Statistics

This option gives you detailed readability analysis of your document. It shows statistics like Flesch Reading Ease score, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, character count and more.

You can use these metrics to check if your writing is concise, clear and tailored for your target audience. It’s especially useful for blog posts, articles and papers.

Word Counter

The Word Counter gives live count of total words, characters, paragraphs and pages as you type. This can help you adhere to article length guidelines and submission limits.


AutoCrit is an automated proofreading tool. It analyzes your text in real-time and highlights spelling/grammar issues, passive voice, weak phrases, repetitive words etc.

You can then improve the flagged areas with a single click. This results in stronger, error-free writing.

Goal Tracker

Struggling to finish an assignment or meet your daily writing target? The Goal Tracker can help.

Set a custom word count goal and this tool will motivate you to achieve it with stats like words written, words remaining and time elapsed/remaining.

And much more…

Additional functionality provided by Writer Tools includes text expansion, custom keyboard shortcuts, auto-correct, writing templates and more.

With all these awesome features, the Writer Tools plugin can significantly boost your productivity and take your documents to the next level.

2. EasyBib


If you regularly need to create bibliographies and citations in APA, MLA or Chicago formats – EasyBib is the perfect plugin for you.

It integrates seamlessly with Word and makes managing citations & references super easy with features like:

One-Click Bibliographies

Simply highlight the sources used in your document and click the ‘Bibliography’ option to instantly generate an alphabetized bibliography adhering to your preferred style guide. This saves a huge amount of time and effort.

Smart Citations

Adding in-text citations as you write is a breeze as well. Just enter the title, ISBN, DOI or URL of the source and EasyBib will auto-fill the matching bibliography entry.

25,000+ Citation Styles

Apart from popular formats like APA and MLA, you also get access to 25,000+ citation styles from universities and journals worldwide. So referencing sources is flexible and seamless.

Plagiarism Checker

The plagiarism checker compares your content with billions of webpages and publications to check for missing or improper citations. This prevents accidental plagiarism in your documents.

MyBib Personal Library

You can create your personal database of sources via MyBib and access them from any device. It takes away the hassle of managing a physical library of books & journals.

Overall, EasyBib saves you tons of reference management time while also helping ensure accuracy. This lets you produce professional academic papers and articles faster.

3. FocusWriter


The last plugin on our list is FocusWriter – which aims to provide distraction-free writing environment right within your Word app.

It has several useful features for authors, bloggers and students such as:

Typewriter Scrolling

This option scrolls your document alongside the cursor, revealing only a few lines around the current line you’re typing. This prevents you from getting distracted by other parts of the text.


To avoid headaches from losing unsaved work, FocusWriter auto-saves your open documents at customizable intervals. You can set intervals between 1 to 60 minutes.

Text Statistics

Get an overview of metrics like character count, word count, reading time, paragraphs and pages on the side panel as you write.

Focus Mode

Further minimize distractions with Focus Mode which fades the text away except current line and removes interface elements like ribbon and status bar.

Ambient Sounds

You also get a selection of soothing ambient sounds like rain, forest, waves etc. to help you get in the zone while writing.

Altogether, FocusWriter allows you to minimize distractions within Word and focus on writing – ultimately resulting in greater productivity.


The three Microsoft Word plugins we covered – Writer Tools, EasyBib and FocusWriter offer some fantastic capabilities to significantly enhance your MS Word experience.

Whether you want robust writing statistics, simplified citations, distraction-free interface or added productivity tools – these add-ons deliver immense value. They are versatile enough for all kinds of Word users including students, writers, bloggers and office professionals.